It’s really normal to experience jealousy, depression, anger, intense attraction and so much more when you find yourself in a good relationship. Our relationships trigger the deepest of human emotions and experiences. In this episode, I answer some fun, very painful, and challenging questions from you the listener. Notice how all of these questions may bring up stuff from your past or present relationship and see if you can find the nugget in each question that you can learn something from.
- What’s really happening when someone says “you make me feel X”. [6:45]
- Is it a mistake to stay with my husband who is a functioning alcoholic? [9:30]
- How to deal with premature ejaculation after you’re married? [12:15]
- One factor that will guarantee your relationship is doomed. [15:30]
- How to get your boyfriend to talk more when all he wants is occasional texting? [16:30]
- Can a guy be emotionally mature if he doesn’t like to talk about his feelings five months into a relationship? [18:15]
- When a partner struggles with depression, how do deal with a big transition when moving to a new country? [21:45]
- A partner goes MIA after his mother dies, does this mean the relationship over? [25:45]
- Is there a limit to being too open and honest with your partner? [30:30]
- Jealousy when your boyfriend has a lot of interaction with other women on Facebook? [34:00]
- The best way to eliminate anger? [37:00]
- Best approach for a couple that is going to be long-distance for two years? [40:30]
- Personality disorders and loving yourself? [42:45]
- How to regain trust when a partner refuses to open up? [47:15]
- Jayson’s action step for the listener. [50:00]
- Boulder Talk – How To Make Monogamy A Rocket Ship To Your Fulfillment Instead Of A One-Way Ticket To The Death Star – September 8
- Monogamy & The Smart Couple – Facebook Group
- How to Leave A Podcast Review
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