Vetting A Future Partner – SC 151

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I’m single and broken up with four months ago and have decided to take time out of the dating pool to get to know myself more, reflect on my last relationship and to enjoy my own company.
The thing is, i know that in the near future, I want a partner. What is your advice on choosing a partner?
To be more specific, I’m aware of the relationship process of the honeymoon phase, then the real partnership where you get to know the real person… Since in the honeymoon phase usually people try to be their best selves and not always their authentic selves, how can you identify these characteristics of growth and development mindsets, self-awareness, kindness, trustworthiness?
– Mariana from Mexico


  • Mariana’s question [1:00]
  • What you can do to really get to know someone you’re dating [2:00]
  • Why do we hide parts of ourselves from the person we’re dating? [4:00]
  • How do you get a great relationship? [7:00]


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