Your Relationship Q’s – Anger, Jealousy, Depression, Honesty, Premature Ejaculation & More – SC 68

Our relationships trigger the deepest of human emotions and experiences. In this episode, I answer some fun, very painful, and challenging questions from you the listener.
Fault vs Responsibility – SC 66

Listen to some semi-hate mail from a listener and find out the difference between me asking someone to take responsibility vs me blaming someone and making it their fault.
Laser Coaching On Infidelity, Trust, & Blended Families – SC 65

Two podcast listeners share how the podcast has impacted them in their marriage and as a blended family. They also get some laser coaching on their infidelity and trust issues.
The Smart Couple Podcast
A trail blazing relationship podcast for growth-development oriented people who want a deeply fulfilling long-term relationship
The 3 Evolutionary Drivers in Relationship – Dr. Keith Witt – SC 12
Jayson dives into a vibrant conversation with integral-psychotherapist and writer Dr. Keith Witt. Topics range from growth, depression, working with shadow, evolutionary drivers, marriage, parenting and much more. Bring a notepad for this one!
What Is the Point Of Marriage If So Many People Get Divorced? – SC 2
Divorce is everywhere. Are people quitting too early? Or, are they simply ill-equipped to deal with the rigorous path of monogamy? Get better tools here.