Finding Flow In Your Marriage – Jamie Wheal – SC 23

If you’ve ever skied, surfed, or gone outdoor climbing, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced that elusive peak state of awareness referred to as “flow”. In this episode, I bring on flow expert Jamie Wheal to dig into an important question: How can we bring this peak state into our long-term partnerships?
3 Types Of Fights – SC 21

If you know what you’re fighting about, you can resolve the issue quickly. Here are the 3 things we humans fight about most…
3 Steps To End Relationship Drama – SC 19

Drama can be a time suck, an energy drain, and can hurt your relationship even more. Listen to this one to reduce or end the relationship drama
How Therapist Bruce Tift Helped Me Have The Balls To Marry My Wife – SC 18

Check out the podcast interview with Bruce Tift and Jayson Gaddis on relationship as a spiritual path. You’ll also enjoy the deep dive about closeness vs intimacy.
Ayahuasca & Relationships – Geoff Hanzlik and Richard Furr – SC 15

Can plant medicine such as ayahuasca help our marriages? In this episode I interview two very experienced guests who have both done over 500 ceremonies with this sacred medicine. We dive deep into this question, highlighting ayahuasca’s strengths as a healing modality and where this medicine may fall short when it comes to interpersonal relationships.
Your Edgy Relationship Questions – SC 14

In this episode Jayson fields a bunch of great questions from listeners like you.