How to Respect Yourself More – SC 123

Why do some people get taken advantage of, taken for granted and walked all over in their relationships? In this episode I talk about one crucial step for getting the respect, appreciation, and value that you deserve in all your relationships.
Is Marriage Forever? – SC 121

Marriage is forever for some people. It might not be for you. How to engage this question without copping out and without being overly rigid? Find out…
How To Deal With An Angry Woman? – Terry Real – SC 120

Check out the five habits that hurt your relationship and how to deal with an angry woman. And so much more in this podcast with Terry Real.
How to End a Relationship Respectfully – SC 119

How do you end a relationship with respect and dignity? Not like I used to I hope… People make breaking up a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
Can It Work If My Partner Is 50% Into Personal Growth? – SC 117

If your partner is kind of into personal growth and you are fully into it, can the relatinship work? That’s what we explore on this week’s podcast.
How To Deal With Narcissism In A Relationship – Jeff Pincus and Rachel Cahn – SC 112

Are you dating, or married to, a narcissist? If so, how do you deal with narcissism in your relationship and what does all of this say about you? Two very experienced psychotherapists help you get to the root of what’s going on in this type of relationship dynamic and how to move forward.
Stop Settling for Scraps in Your Relationship – SC 111

Why settle for scraps in your relationship and be with someone who doesn’t treat you with the utmost respect, even during the hardest of times? Well, there’s often one reason…Listen in as I challenge you to ask for more.
Tracking & Parenting Your Partner With Ellen Boeder- SC 64

Learn 3 ways to track and parent your partner and why that is so good for your nervous system, your partner’s health and well-being, and the relationship. It has to do with adult attachment.