The Purpose Of Relationship Pain – SC 55

Relationship pain has a very clear purpose. If you are hip to it, you’ll thrive in relationships. If you are uneducated here, you’ll run away and play the victim. Direct and to the point, I suggest a very important daily practice for you to strengthen your mindset about long-term partnership. Pain hurts indeed. And,…
Use The Power Of Community To Improve Your Marriage – SC 51

Do you have any friends in your life that lovingly challenge you? If not, you’re missing out on big growth that could help your primary partnership.
How & Why My Wife And I Chose Marriage – SC 50

My wife Ellen joins me as we discuss what had us fully choose each other and what I did to overcome my grass is greener mentality. You’ll also want to hear what she did to not tolerate my BS anymore.
1 Key To Get The Best Out Of Your Partner with Alison Armstrong – SC 45

Allison Armstrong shares The 1 Key To Get The Best Out Of Your Partner. Not getting this and the fundamental differences between men and women can lead to huge challenges.
Revolutionary Sex for Men with Alex Allman – SC 43

Giving her an orgasm isn’t what you think. In this episode guest Alex Allman helps men get more honest and more present with their sex lives and how crucial it is to have other men in your life to bust your balls when you need it.
The Definition of True Love – SC 42

Here we cover the 3 stages of love in a person’s development and give a very simple definition of love that will help your relationships over time.
How Circling Can Deepen Your Relationships – Decker Cunov – SC 38

What is this relational practice that has the potential to transform every relationship in your life? Learn from Decker Cunov what circling is and how you can start practicing today.
The Future of Spiritual Practice & Healing Work

As I’ve written about before relationship has been one of the weak muscles of the spiritual practitioner.