Couples Need a Conscious Community

Marriage in isolation, while socially hiding our struggles, is a recipe for more pain over the long haul
For Couples Who Want to Learn Conflict

Ever meet that couple that’s been married for years that says proudly, “We never fight!” Um, yeah. That’s often (not always) a yellow flag for me. After I spend time with these folks it turns out that under their “polite” demeanor, they are afraid of the C word. While this couple can claim they have…
Conflict-Wasting Time Fighting Over Who’s Right

For couples who habitually do conflict by trying to be right. Here’s another way.
Conflict Avoidant Couples
when a couple is stuck, someone has to be the adult and go vulnerable
Two Keys to A Thriving, Mature, Long-Term Partnership
Learn how to have a successful marriage by using two key elements.
First Rule of The Marriage Club? Learn How To Fight
long term relationships are work, period. when you learn this, look in the mirror, and surrender, everything changes.
A Classic Feedback Loop in Marriage for Many Unsatisfied Men
How does a Dad who is a sole-provider, resent his wife after many years? Somehow he thinks it’s her fault that he bought into a role and abandoned himself.