Are you Depressed? Watch This
what is possible if we talk openly about our struggles?
Emotionally Shut Down Men

When I feel shut down, thank God I have tools. Men with no tools stay stuck for a long time.
Men: Learn How To Validate Your Woman’s Feelings
why men struggle to validate their partner’s feelings and a few suggestions on turning this around
Dwelling Versus Feeling
a core distinction between feeling something and dwelling on something
Ten Signs I’m Disconnected from My Heart

Knowing I’m disconnected from myself is half the battle. Once I know this, I can do one obvious thing that will change the game completely.
Complaining Versus Feeling
Feeling is the way through. It’s the way of the body. Complaining is the way of ego. How to let go of one and embrace the other.
Why Some Men Objectify Women
After 20 years working with boys and men, here’s my own experience and a deeper look about why men objectify women.
Can Feeling Too Much, Shut You Down? (Guest Post)
In this guest post, Michael shares his experience of dealing with intense emotions and his own shut down.