Spirituality & Relationships with Jeff Brown – SC 76

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In this episode, we tackle spirituality and relationships with soulshaping mentor Jeff Brown. Jeff has a great knack for calling BS on the spiritual movement and instead offering grounded, practical, embodied suggestions and pathways to continue to deepen into our wholeness. This one may get uncomfortable depending on where you fall in this conversation. It is my wish that you feel challenged and grow from it.



  • What is Soulshaping? [12:40]
  • What are the most common human struggles that Jeff sees in his work? [14:00]
  • Why most people meditate and so “solo spirituality” over relationships. [16:30]
  • Jeff’s personal definition of spirituality [18:00]
  • How are some teachings distorting the ideas of spirituality and emotions? [19:30]
  • What can men do to grow spiritually? [24:00]
  • The lesson Jeff learned from selling windows door-to-door. [27:00]
  • How can women help men awaken? [29:30]
  • How do Jeff and partner navigate conflict in their relationship? [32:45]
  • Jeff gives his opinion on polyamory. [38:00]
  • What are Jeff’s preferred practices for personal growth? [39:45]
  • Jeff’s twist on the New Age movement. [43:00]
  • Why are relationships so hard? [46:00]





jeff_brown_headshotA former criminal lawyer and psychotherapist, Jeff Brown is the author of 5 popular books- Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-CreationAscending with Both Feet on the GroundLove it ForwardAn Uncommon Bond, & Spiritual Graffiti. He is the producer and key journeyer in the award-winning spiritual documentary, Karmageddon, which also stars Ram Dass & Seane Corn. He is also the owner of Enrealment Press and an online school, Soulshaping Institute. A very popular presence in social media, Jeff lives in Toronto with his partner, poet Susan Frybort.

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