SC 9 – Why People Have Affairs And What To Do If It Happens To You

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Affairs are so intense.

When I was 20 or so I cheated on my girlfriend. When I was 32 or so I had an emotional affair. In this episode I share more about what I learned about myself during those and then I discuss why so many affairs happen and what you can do about it.

IN THIS EPISODE, You will learn:

  • how to deal with your emotions
  • how to move past an affair quickly
  • how strong people take the path of personal development and growth after an affair
  • why it’s important to look in the mirror
  • how to recognize the “victim” mentality and re-empower yourself
  • how fear plays a crucial role in causing an affair
  • why coming back into your heart is essential to preventing an affair
  • effective methods for dealing with affairs

affair podcast

For more information, visit and CONNECT with resources mentioned in this episode:

Six Critical Things to Know About Affairs:

What Affairs Tell You About You and Your Relationship:

Why Men (And New Dads like Tiger Woods) Have Affairs:



  • Ray

    Reply Reply August 13, 2015

    I just wanted a moment to say thank you. I’ve been searching for a year for somebody who thinks the way you do and has the knowledge to explain the process of how to get to these points. After two years of a continuous vicious cycle with my husband, just two weeks of reading your articles and listening to your podcasts has allowed me to regain my footing and my path. We are better than ever and I feel powerful and in control of my happiness. As well as finding my source of happiness within myself instead of trying to siphon it out of him. You’re doing great work and I look forward everyday to learning something new from your words. I finally feel like myself again. So again, thank you.

  • Ana G. Biele

    Reply Reply August 14, 2015

    This is very healing! In listening, I could feel old wounds being soothed as you went thru the ways to deal…the tools…being intact. Most Importantly “What am I offering my husband today?” It is very essential to know the difference between love and fear ~ resignation to the “commitment”. So good to be talking about the deeper layers in the relationship. It is a very difficult thing, as this communication resides in SELF WORTH and LOVE (yes, I DO deserve to have the relationship I want with this person). It’s been a deep wound surfacing all over our planet, and marriages/close relationships mimic the cosmos. Let’s be clear and move into the FUTURE creation <3 with an open heart to each other and especially our mate.

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