SC 8 – When To Stay Or Leave + True Love – Annie Lalla

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IN THIS EPISODE, You will learn:

  • To see your partner as a sacred mirror and sanctuary for the growing your greatest actualized self
  • The true characteristics of a long-term partnership
  • How your partnership is the optimal container for complete transformation of yourself into the highest possible version imaginable
  • How to fall in love and why this is more important than being married
  • How to take radical responsibility for being loved in every moment of your life
  • How to actually get your needs/wants met in a partnership
  • How to know if conflict in your relationship is driving you toward or away from more magnificence

There’s a ton in this episode so dive in and go slow.

You will also want to check out Annie’s blog post “Should I stay or Should I Go?”

And, Here’s a great question from Annie to ask yourself if you are trying to decide to stay or leave:

Is the person I’m being called to become by what my partner’s asking me to become (if you take on the growth-development framework), will you become a more extraordinary version of yourself? If who they are asking you to become is a constricted, small, tight version of you, then this is probably not the person you want to be with.

However, if you identify as the smaller version of you, then, you are going to hear your partner’s feedback as criticism and blame and might make them wrong in the process. So, pay attention to these finer points.

Here are two tweetable quotes from Annie. Just cut and paste on FB or Twitter.

Falling in love is not safe to your status quo self. – Annie Lalla Share on X

Relationship is designed to emancipate your from the smallest version of yourself. – Annie Lalla Share on X

About Annie:

Annie Lalla has spent her life studying the labyrinthine world of emotions–mapping the complexities of communication & subtleties of relationships. A philosopher, speaker and a thought leader, Annie is known as the “Cartographer of Love”. With an Honors Science Degree, major in Human Biology & Philosophy (minor in Buddhism), her studies include integrative psychology, evolutionary science, neurochemistry, therapeutic sexuality & systems dynamics. Alongside explorations in mystic poetry, classic literature & metaphoric narrative are professional certifications in NLP, Coaching & Hypnosis. All these realms converge in her unique Relationship Coaching practice. There, she helps individuals attract, create and foster extraordinary connections that maximize freedom and minimize shame.

Specializing in love, sex & conflict resolution, Annie teaches her signature method: ‘The Art of Fighting’. She sees conflict as a crucial part of intimacy development. ”Arguments are opportunities to understand your partner better, when handled with maturity & skill they can be used to bring you closer instead of farther apart.”



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