Get The Most Effective Relationship Framework & Tools That Will Guarantee Successful Intimate Relationships
(While Preventing Damaging Relationship Drama & Stress)
The Deep Psychology Of Intimate Relationships
A Powerful Weekend Relationship Intensive
In Boulder Colorado! Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2017
Dear Growth-Development Oriented Friend,
If you are half-way awake and you look around, you see there is a huge amount of suffering in the world. Not just far away, but close at home.
Behind your neighbors happy smiles lives a man or woman who feels deeply alone, even though they have hundreds of “friends” on facebook. Hell, they might even act happily married but deep down they have been on antidepressants for years.
And in the privacy of your own mind, you might admit that you too are suffering, at least some of the time, right?
And, if you look even closer, you see that the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. And if you have ever had a life-partner and you are disconnected or in a fight, life is just harder.
And, if you have a primary relationship that is stressful on a daily basis? Your day is not only more difficult, your body feels the burden. And, the research is now clear how damaging it can be to our health to have unsatisfying or stressful relationships.
You get this right?
Now, what’s interesting here is if we feel challenged or incompetent when it comes to how to have a successful long-term relationship, it is not our fault.
Because no one is taught us how to have a stellar intimate relationship. We were merely “shown” how to have a partnership by the people we were in most contact with such as our parents. And, no offense to them, but they had a lot of limitations. As did their parents, and their parents. And none of it is their fault.
None of our ancestors formally learned.
“How to have an Intimate relationship” was simply not taught in school, in church, in sports, or anywhere else in a formal way.
So, how do you expect to have a good one then? Well, if you do expect yourself to have a great relationship without ever learning, that would be like expecting yourself to be an Olympian without ever training. It will only lead to massive frustration and you beating yourself or your partner up over time.
So, you get what you got and unless you get an education and learn a different way, you won’t be improving your relationship skills anytime soon.
However, there is one way for us to change the generations of mis-education around intimate relationships...
Enter The Relationship School®.
The Relationship School® is my mission to help people learn the class they never got in school. The relationship school® will teach everyday adults how to do this crazy thing called long-term partnership.
Learning how to do "intimate" relationships of course, only serves to help our family, friend, and business relationships as well.
In addition, The Relationship School® will train mentors and ambassadors who will go into schools and teach teens and young adults the very same skills, so they can grow up and rock their intimate and interpersonal relationships.
I know, my idea is bold and a little crazy. But with your help I know we can pull it off.
Why do I care?
- Because I got bullied in high school
- Because I didn’t know how to talk to girls
- Because once I figured that out, I wasn’t being authentic, it was a game to get them to like me
- Because I felt deeply alone
- Because I thought about suicide in high school because I didn’t understand the point of life
- Because my parents didn’t know how to connect with me
- Because I spent my 20’s failing hard in my intimate relationships which added to a deep sense of inadequacy that I felt.
- Because had I learned this class in school, I’m guessing I would have had deeper, more fulfilling, less painful relationship experiences
- Because kids everywhere are like I used to be. Suffering, hurting. Feeling alone. Not just kids. Adults too. Loads of suffering.
The good news here is we have a massive opportunity to put a dent in this epidemic.
If you want to help me teach relationship to kids and adults, you gotta learn the skills first.
Hence, our live intimate relationship weekend intensive.
By training at The Relationship School®, you not only learn how to do intimate relationships, you will learn how to navigate extremely tricky people and dicey interpersonal conflicts in your work and family relationships.
You will feel like the most emotionally mature person in the room who can handle just about any relational dynamic. This feeling of true self-confidence is very satisfying.
Welcome to the tribe of people who will change the face of relationship education forever by being a living example of someone who has relational awareness, empathy, and literacy.
Let’s do this!
Big respect,
P.S. Join The Relationship School® and help us transform lives everywhere (while improving your own relationships!)!
Sept 29 - Oct 1, 2017
in Beautiful Boulder, Colorado
2.5 days you can't afford to miss if you want to go to the next level
in your intimate partnerships.
My experience as a student and apprentice in the Relationship School® has been life-changing. The teachings that Jayson offers up have really expanded my knowledge. I love the live webinars and the content that he brings and the way he delivers it. Even more important to me is the strong community of other students with whom I practice the skills and who help keep me accountable. The tools that I have learned have helped me to step more into my power in my relationships. They are practical and easy to digest and integrate into my life. I feel now a greater sense of connection to myself and others than I ever have before because I have learned how to step more into my own authentic expression without sacrificing connection. I wish I had learned these skills earlier since I am experiencing such growth and expansion in my life and in my capacity as a human. I am so excited about the mission of the Relationship School® to teach people the class they never had in school. In fact, I’m excited to say that through my involvement in the school, I have changed my career path and I am now embarking on a path as a transformational life and relationship coach. Thank you Jayson Gaddis. I am truly grateful.
Julie Gillaspie Relationship School® Apprentice
I'm ready to take my relationships to the next level!
Registration Closes September 10.
Get in Now!
Here's what you'll get when you invest in the weekend intensive:
- Become a member of The School and get in on the ground level of this rare opportunity
- The Map & Indestructible View
- Relationship Tools that last a lifetime
- Deep community that cares about having the very best relationships
- How to guarantee success in long-term relationships
And, all of this:
- Two live depth-charge relationship workshops in beautiful Boulder Colorado
- Ongoing practice partners to master the skills with over an entire school year
- A sense of belonging in a progressive, growth-development oriented tribe of relational warriors
- A serious boost in confidence and self-worth as your slowly begin to "get" the skills in your cells
In This Live Weekend You Will Learn:
- The only context that creates win-win indestructible relationships
- What is a "secure homebase" and what's required to establish and keep it strong
- How to create a safe container so you can handle any fight, conflict, or disagreement
- The 180 Clarity To Freedom Process that dissolves any charges between you and your partner
- The master tool that will help you communicate effectively so you can get exactly what you want
- How to identify the core issue between you and your partner
- Why boundaries matter and an experiential understanding of how to set them (This one is fun!)
- How to take any conversation deeper
- Partner exercises that will help you integrate the tools
Who This Live Weekend IS For?
With this class you are not only more attractive to your future mate, you are able and willing to handle any challenge that comes your way. So come prepare yourself for the dream relationship.
You're not yet married, and may never be, but you get that arguing well is crucial to your relationship success and fulfillment, no matter how long you stay with this person.
You completely understand by now that if you want to go the distance, you MUST get in the driver's seat of your reactivity or your marriage won't last, period. Get the win-win program down for life.
Who This Live Weekend Is NOT For?
We all blame, but if you feel attached to your partner being "wrong" then I can't help you. If you are open to seeing your part, and working on it, then we're in business.
If you struggle like the rest of us in partnership, no problem. But if you complain and whine about it, without finding the very best solutions to help you take full responsibility, we won't get along very well.
Band-Aid Seekers
If you want the pain to just magically disappear, or you want someone to make it all go away with no effort on your part, I can't help. But if you want to "earn" a great relationship, let's do this.
Your Guide For The Next 9 Months
About Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis, relationship student & teacher, host of the Smart Couple Podcast, and founder of The Relationship School® is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do romantic relationships.” He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to turn his life over to learning about relationships. Now, he’s married to his amazing wife of 10 years and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.
Plus, Post-Event Integration. . .
After the weekend you will be invited into the private Relationship School® Roots Community to integrate, practice, share and connect with like-hearted warriors like you.
Workshops that don't offer this step fail to help cement in the skills necessary to "stay on it" over time.
So, don't worry, your integration is taken care of, should you choose to take the next small step after the powerful weekend ends.
Real Results from Real Students
Since starting Jayson Gaddis’s Relationship School® launch this last September, I’m feeling grateful and changed. Taking the plunge into this powerful course was an important decision I’m happy I made.
With lectures and homework projects designed to spark understanding of how relationship works best, a high value of mine came into focus; the value of relationship as a path of growth. When I’m growing, I feel alive and curious. Once I realized that through connecting authentically, the more I grew, the more convinced I became that I was in the right place. Relationship as I’ve been exploring in this course, puts me on a potent path of growth. Continually coming up against my edges of fear and discomfort when in relationship and then very gradually learning to embrace these edges has developed for me a kind of muscle of relationship endurance all within the context of a secure place to be present in together.
The most impactful part of the course work came through the partner practices. Working consistently with the tools my partners and I had just learned in class; how to listen deeply, find the shared experience, share impact and even repair after a disagreement brought the techniques alive. Without this way of working, I could never have truly begun to embody this work and start taking the tools out into my life. I am grateful also, for the people I’ve been working with in the course. I feel a deep kindred warmth for them and in all our shared experiences.
The tools are making their mark as I’m embodying them with each experience in and out of practice work. I find I am more likely to speak up; with my family, my friends close and distant. And with that my relationships have become a fertile ground for growth and love. In short, this course has taught me to dare to come back into relationship, with curiosity and a sense of the possibility of connecting in a whole and fulfilled way.
Susan Clark 64, Relationship School® Apprentice
~ Daxe Schröter, Relationship School® Apprentice
Thursday 9/28: Apprentices Only
- 12:00-6:00pm: APPRENTICES ONLY
Friday 9/29:
- 10:00am - 1:00pm: APPRENTICES ONLY
- 2:00pm: Registration
- 3:00pm: Opening Experience, Teaching, Practice, Q & A
- 4:30pm: Break
- 4:45pm: Teaching, Practice, Q & A
- 6:15pm:Dinner
- 7:15pm: Teaching, Practice, Q & A
- 8:30pm: Close For The Day
Saturday 9/30:
- 9:00am: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 10:30am: Break
- 10:45am: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 12:15pm: Lunch Break
- 1:15pm: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 2:45pm: Break
- 3:00pm: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 4:30pm: Break
- 4:45pm: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 6:00pm: Dinner Break
- 7:30-9:30pm: Evening Experience
Sunday 10/1:
- 9:00am: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 10:30am: Break
- 10:45am: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 12:15pm: Lunch Break
- 1:15pm: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 2:45pm: Break
- 3:00pm: Teaching, Practice, Q&A
- 4:30pm: Break
- 4:45pm: Review, Winding Down, Integration, Q&A, Next Steps
- 6:00pm: Close
I’m overwhelmed with gratitude considering the transformations I’ve experienced in my relationships. I love the effective tools, methods, and support that helped me embody deep confidence as a partner, coach, father, friend and beyond. I light up thinking about how growing in this way has had an exponential impact on my life and family – I can’t imagine a better investment in myself. My only regret is not “Getting this” sooner. Thank you for serving up “The course I never got in school” so powerfully. I can only imagine DPIR becoming even more powerful overtime.
Steven Srotir 44, Apprentice Relationship Coach
Learning and working with Jayson Gaddis and The Relationship School has been like an education on steroids (in the best way possible). Through study and practice I am putting some significant pieces of my own story together to see more clearly the whole picture and to gain a much broader view and expansive space for myself to live in and to be with others, in relationship. Sometimes it’s messy. Sometimes I fall down and have to get back up. And sometimes I find a new key to unlock an old door! One by one, as I step through them, it’s as if I’m taking a long-awaited walk home to myself and into connection in a way I’ve always imagined possible – not the fantasy, but in real time and real life! I feel grateful and encouraged, more confident and capable, awake and alive. Thank you, Jayson!
Jennifer Morrison Apprentice Coach, RS Mentor
~ Jennifer Morrison
I'm ready to take my relationships to the next level!
Deadline for registration is September 10, so get in now!
Hyatt Place, Boulder. Located just minutes away from downtown Boulder, this brand new hotel is in the perfect spot to visit the city effortlessly. It is ideally situated in Depot Square at Boulder Junction, soon to be the new central hub in Boulder offering trendy restaurants, local shopping experiences, and modern living. Getting around town is easy with access to eGo CarShare, Boulder B-cycle, and the RTD bus network right outside the front door.
Denver International Airport (DIA)
Denver International Airport is the closest airport, approximately 50 miles southeast of Boulder.
Sky Ride Bus
The Sky Ride is the most budget friendly option and travels between DIA and Boulder every hour (between 3am – 11pm). You can get a rider pass for $11.00 (one way) at the RTD SkyRide Sales Counter at DIA, West Terminal, Level 5 (price may change). Your stop will be “14th & Walnut – the Boulder bus terminal.” From there, you many call a taxi, hotel shuttle, etc.
Shared-ride shuttles and taxis to/from DIA
There are several ground transportation options available. The Ground Transportation Information Counter is located in the central area on Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal
Car rental options to/from DIA
Driving time between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Boulder is approximately 60 to 90 minutes. From DIA, follow Peña Boulevard (10 miles) south to I-70, and exit onto I-70 west. Follow I-70 west to I-270 west. I-270 merges into U.S. 36 west and takes you west into Boulder (about 23 miles). Get directions from DIA.
Parking and Getting Around
The Hyatt is in an urban area with limited parking. You’re encouraged to drive only if necessary and use alternative transportation if possible.
Boulder is a walking-friendly town and within easy walking distance to the Integral Center are several restaurants, Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods), a pharmacy, a post office, and a tea/coffee shop. It’s a 12-block (approx. 15 minute) walk to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, hiking trails, and several good hotels.
Local Bus
The Boulder Skip Bus goes up and down Broadway, stopping at the Center every 7 – 15 minutes. Broadway is Boulder’s main north-south artery traveling to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, downtown area, and many hotels.
B-cycle is Boulder's bike sharing program which allows you to rent and return a bike from various stations around town. Unlike typical bike rental, each ride is kept short, and B-cycles are returned to their stations when not in use rather than being kept and locked up. Pick up a bike at any B-station, and return it to any station when you’re done.
Lyft and Uber are both available in Boulder.
Local Taxi Service
Boulder Yellow Cab can be reached at 303-777-7777.
LODGING - Stay Right at The Venue!
The Hyatt Place Boulder is the where the Relationship School® live weekend will take place and they are offering a preferred rate of $199/night to attendees. To secure the group rate please click here:
Below are a few other hotel options, with distances from Hyatt Place, Boulder.
September 29 - October 1 at Hyatt Place, Boulder CO. (228 Junction Place)
Denver International Airport (DIA) Denver International Airport is the closest airport, approximately 50 miles southeast of Boulder.
Sky Ride Bus The Sky Ride is the most budget friendly option and travels between DIA and Boulder every hour (between 3am – 11pm). You can get a rider pass for $11.00 (one way) at the RTD SkyRide Sales Counter at DIA, West Terminal, Level 5 (price may change). Your stop will be “14th & Walnut – the Boulder bus terminal.” From there, you many call a taxi, hotel shuttle, etc.
Shared-ride shuttles and taxis to/from DIA There are severalground transportation options available. The Ground Transportation Information Counter is located in the central area on Level 5 of Jeppesen Terminal
Car rental options to/from DIA Driving time between Denver International Airport (DIA) and Boulder is approximately 60 to 90 minutes. From DIA, follow Peña Boulevard (10 miles) south to I-70, and exit onto I-70 west. Follow I-70 west to I-270 west. I-270 merges into U.S. 36 west and takes you west into Boulder (about 23 miles).
Parking and Getting Around
Hyatt Place is in an urban area with limited parking. You’re encouraged to drive only if necessary and use alternative transportation if possible.
Boulder is a walking-friendly town and within easy walking distance to Hyatt Place are several restaurants, Ideal Market (owned by Whole Foods), a pharmacy, a post office, and a tea/coffee shop. It’s a 12-block (approx. 15 minute) walk to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, hiking trails, and several good hotels.
Local Bus
The Boulder Skip Bus goes up and down Broadway, stopping at the Center every 7 – 15 minutes. Broadway is Boulder’s main north-south artery traveling to Boulder’s Pearl Street Mall, downtown area, and many hotels.
B-cycle is Boulder's bike sharing program which allows you to rent and return a bike from various stations around town.Unlike typical bike rental, each ride is kept short, and B-cycles are returned to their stations when not in use rather than being kept and locked up. Pick up a bike at any B-station, and return it to any station when you’re done.
Lyft and Uber are both available in Boulder.
Local Taxi Service
Boulder Yellow Cab can be reached at 303-777-7777.
Below are a few hotel options, with distances from Hyatt Place, Boulder. For additional hotel details, please contact the hotel. More area hotel options are available here.
The Hyatt Place Boulder is the where the Relationship School® live weekend will take place and they are offering a preferred rate of $199/night to attendees. To secure the group rate please click here:
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
7 – 10 minute drive or bus ride, a little too far to walk
5-minute drive or bus ride, 10-minute walk
5 – 7 minute drive or bus ride, 25 – 30 minute walk
Airbnb is is a website allowing anyone from private residents to commercial properties to rent out their extra space. The site allows for user reviews, verification, and secure online transactions. Listings include vacation rentals, private rooms, entire apartments, bed and breakfasts and many other traditional and non-traditional accommodations.
Checkout out the Facebook Group. Shared rides, lodging, or meet-ups, can be planned there with fellow community members.
Jayson will combine teaching with breakout sessions where you will be able to practice and integrate the tools. There will be time allotted for asking questions. Additional details will be emailed to you before the event.
There will be a variety of herbal tea and hot water available all day. You are welcome to bring water bottles and snacks into the meeting space. There will be breaks throughout the day as well as an extended break for lunch. There are many restaurants within walking distance of the Hyatt Place a Wholefoods next door.
Join Us And Get The Keys To Creating Your Indestructible Partnership And Watch Your Life Fulfillment Expand & Increase.
Don't wait. Get your foundation set in place forever so when things inevitably get hard and challenge comes, you will meet and clear the charges as they arise, and get empowered and stronger through whatever comes your way.
We'll see you here in Boulder Colorado very soon!
Deep thanks,