Revolutionary Sex for Men with Alex Allman – SC 43


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In this juicy episode I talk with Alex Allman about men, orgasms and sex. Giving her an orgasm isn’t what you think. Alex helps us get more honest and more present with our sex lives and how crucial it is to have other men in your life to bust your balls when you need it. While this episode is for the men, if you are a woman, I know you’ll appreciate how our guest is trying to help the men dance with you in the bedroom.





  • How Alex’s childhood impacted his view of masculinity [5:50]
  • The two types of change [11:10]
  • Why being beautiful and successful early on makes change harder [12:45]
  • What happened when Alex was 39 that forever woke him up. [17:55]
  • Why only loving your partner for their positive traits will make you disappointed. [23:30]
  • The most important thing for a man to get that is so simple yet so complicated. [32:15]
  • How the “doting husband” can be sexually repulsive. [34:15]
  • What to do when you have erection troubles in the bedroom. [43:00]



What gives a women an orgasm and what makes you great in bed aren't the same thing. - Alex Allman Share on X

Guest Bio


Alex Allman is the author of the best selling Revolutionary Sex programs for enhancing sexual pleasure, creating deeper intimacy and communication, and deepening sexual confidence. Since 1993 he has been studying and refining his heart-centered theories on sexuality and relationships. Through his writing, lectures, videos, and public appearances, he has helped tens of thousands of men, women, and couples achieve greater confidence, intimacy, relationship health, and love. Website:



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