Evolution requires the balls to die. As my friend Jeremy likes to say “Everybody wants to be reborn, but not everybody is willing to die.”
I’m learning that if you really want to expand and evolve, you must be willing to let go of what you thought, even what you believed….completely.
Perhaps there is something in you longing to come out and be expressed or claimed? What part of you is stagnant or not congruent with who you are? What will you do about it?
I will be sharing more as the weeks go by about what is emerging. It’s fucking exciting.
Stay tuned brothers….
Craig Filek
April 21, 2010yes
April 21, 2010Well Done!
April 21, 2010!?
Can't wait to hear more.
April 21, 2010Interesting brother, look forward to hearing more about this. feels a little vague to me from this video and I am wanting the juicy details
see you this weekend.
Tripp Lanier
April 21, 2010Hey bro,
Watching this had me exhale. I feel so much more in alignment with your vision and potential. Proud of you for being willing to move beyond that which doesn't work for you anymore.
Here to support you any way I can,
April 21, 2010Thanks brother!
April 21, 2010Jason – Thanks for the journey Bro!! I have been following you for quite sometime and you are doing an incredible, important work. I am eager to hear about what you have going on, AND if I can help in any way, please let me know –
April 21, 2010Thanks Vincent. I appreciate your presence here, deeply.
Michael Murray
April 21, 2010I'm in full support of you Jayson, and trust that this transition is right and true for you. I'm excited to hear more as the details unfold. Aho.
April 21, 2010thank you MM
April 21, 2010I really like what you're doing, and I like watching the video – especially your gestures were most engaging. Thanks man, for what you're doing and I'll be glad to drop by once in a while and see what transpires.
April 21, 2010HA, thank you kind sir! Good to hear from you again!
April 21, 2010Jayson,
Am behind you 100% on this! Takes guts to do this, thank you!
To the rebirth…
April 21, 2010get ready….
Chris McCann
April 21, 2010Thanks for including us on your journey. Looking forward to seeing what's possible!
April 21, 2010my favorite part is how you are not sure as to what will emerge as you flow (((; here's to discovery! ♡ TT
April 21, 2010yup! thanks for the ongoing support Travis
Spida Hunter
April 21, 2010Awesome brother, looking forward to it my man!!
April 21, 2010Yogananda
April 21, 2010One moment at a time… keep following your bliss, u do a great work at that, what ever it is your metamorphosis, just know that the creation at hand when u are as clear as you, whatever may be. It is always for the greater good. God Bless!
April 21, 2010hey there Yoga. Good to hear from you. YES!
April 21, 2010Holy S###hit!
Thank you for this step. Thank you for embracing the Spring, the cycle, the death and rebirth. I'm open and curious to witness and be part of what and how this new journey is going to unfold…
April 21, 2010I like it. I never completely connected with the name “Revolutionary Man.” Now your name is your brand. I'm curious to see how the focus of your work might be shifting, now. Also, it's just a label, but the shift from “men's coach” to “relationship teacher” is a big one, too, in terms of how you define yourself to others. Keep up the good work!
Joshua Gribschaw-Beck
April 21, 2010Ahhhh yes……He he…I gotta feeling I know what's going on here…..curious to find out what emerges. :O)
Graham Phoenix
April 22, 2010Interesting, Jayson, I look forward to seeing what's afoot. I am interested in your shift from a men's coach to a relationship teacher. I have avoided focusing on relationships because so many people do it badly and because I think men need to resolve issues in themselves even before they can deal with relationships. Can talk more about the shift? Good luck, Graham.
April 22, 2010Jason your words “I’m learning that if you really want to expand and evolve, you must be willing to let go of what you thought, even what you believed….completely.”
this speaks to me as I am that very place of observing (my behaviors/beliefs) and letting go…my reaction to your video?… fired up and inspired
April 22, 2010Its a beautiful thing to know and feel with clarity when something is over. For the sake of all women too and because of the good work you do, I too look forward to the renewed rebirthing from you, Jayson, whenever and however that maybe. Good Luck!
Jason R. Lee
April 22, 2010It's fitting that even 'Revolutionary Man' has to die before it can be reborn..
April 27, 2010Between this and the tweet about the New Masculine Paradigm, I feel MUCH more connected to you Jayson. I like the feel of this path, and I feel that you have left things behind from the latest part of your journey
The paradigm has been working in my life, and it continues to bring me richer relationships! Booya! *guitar solo*
Tia Singh
April 29, 2010“”I’m learning that if you really want to expand and evolve, you must be willing to let go of what you thought, even what you believed….completely.””
I am so walking this path right now as well. Kudos my friend, we are not alone. xo Tia
Tia Sparkles Singh
April 30, 2010“”I’m learning that if you really want to expand and evolve, you must be willing to let go of what you thought, even what you believed….completely.””
I am so walking this path right now as well. Kudos my friend, we are not alone. xo Tia
[…] Man is now dead! Jayson has announced it’s demise and shifted gears in his work. He has not stated yet exactly where he is going or what he is going […]
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