My Partner Doesn’t Want To Get Married But I Do – SC 97

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If one of you wants marriage and the other doesn’t, there will be problems. You both need to get crystal clear and determine how “negotiable” this is. Listen to the podcast for more detailed info on what you can do about this common dilemma. 


  • What if your partner won’t work on it with you? [1:00]

Question 1: My boyfriend and I have been dating 2+ years and have been unable to move forward and feel secure in our relationship because I believe in marriage and he does not.  That said, he does believe in committed monogamous partnership, just not the ‘institution’.
I love and want to be with him, but it feels like we’ll forever be in this eternal impasse.  Any suggestions on how to get over this hurdle, or is it simply time to move on?

  • The institution of marriage [3:00]
  • What are you really scared of? [6:00]

Question 2: My boyfriend and I have been together for 4.5 years. We both have lost a spouse and have 5 kids between us.  A year ago we got engaged and were living together for 5 months.  He became overwhelmed with the demands of a large, blended family and left taking his two children with him. After therapy and 9 painful months of hurting one another, we’re giving it an earnest try and restarting the relationship. What is lacking for me is commitment. We are no longer engaged and have no plans to live together.
I took one of your courses and understand my part – I understand that the relationship has to meet my needs or I need to leave. He’s not willing to commit to me through marriage and will only live in two houses as the blended family is too hard of a situation with him.
Is it true that the only way this relationship can survive is if he moves forward towards meeting my needs of commitment and living together at least part of the time?

  • Your ‘Non-Negotiable Needs’ [9:00]
  • Your Action Step [12:00]



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