The 3 Types of Marriages—Only One Prevails – SC 5
IN THIS EPISODE, You will learn: How to navigate a partnership by understanding 3 marriage types How to align to the most dynamic, live, energetic, and inspired marriage How to see diagnostically if your marriage is doomed or if you will make it How to get your partner to become a caring type—balanced and evolving…
The Definition of True Love
If you are confusing love with infatuation, you’re in for a bumpy ride. You might want to read this to get an upgrade on what you think love is.
Antidepressants And Your Relationship – Dr Will Vanderveer – SC 4
Do anti-depressants help or hurt your relationship? Could they be stunting you from going to the next level in you?
What Is the Point Of Marriage If So Many People Get Divorced? – SC 2
Divorce is everywhere. Are people quitting too early? Or, are they simply ill-equipped to deal with the rigorous path of monogamy? Get better tools here.
The 3 Types Of Marriages
Knowing which marriage you are in will help determine if you will succeed, frustrate, or fail. If you are a smart couple, the choice is obvious…
The Main Goal Of A High-Functioning Marriage
A successful marriage is built upon something very, very important. Make this a priority and your marriage will rock over time…
The Hidden Reason Why Most Marriages Fail And What To Do About It
What is going on when so many marriages end in divorce or deadness? And, are you willing to do this…?
How To Reconnect With Your Spouse In 7 Steps
How do you reconnect with your partner after a period of disconnection? Well, you follow these 7 steps as an entry point to both of you feeling more ease and more connected.