How To Start and Lead A Men’s Group

Men's Groups

Ever feel stuck, alone, unsupported and lacking follow through? Do you still think doing it all by yourself is working?

Well, now might be a good time to get off the couch and start a men’s group. A wha..???

Listen to the New Man Podcast for a fun conversation with Tripp Lanier and me about what a men’s group is and how it might serve you. Click here to listen.

Until now, there has been no up-to-date “how to” guide to help you get a group going. I can’t tell you how many emails I get asking about how to get a men’s group going and what to do. To meet the need, Tripp and I have been working for the past few months and have produced what we think is a powerful product– “How To Start and Lead a Men’s Group.”

In my own life, a men’s group has saved my ass and helped me step up my game in all areas of my life. Having a group of men that have my back has been critical to my own success and fulfillment. More on the value of a men’s group here.

The great thing about a men’s group is that it is basically free. Once you get a group going, it can be free accountability and support for the rest of your life, seriously.

Just follow this link to explore more about how a men’s group can help you.

If you would rather have a group facilitated for you or you want hands on support, feel free to sign up for my leadership training here or get a few guys together and fly me out to your city or town and we can set up a weekend intensive as I did in Chicago recently.

Despite what you father did or told you, there is no need to go it alone anymore. Or, continue to go it alone and see what kind of results you get compared to other men who are getting an accountability, challenge, and support. Observe and take note.


  • Lion Goodman

    Reply Reply May 31, 2010

    In the San Francisco Bay Area, check out The Tribe of Men, a non-profit group of men who work deeply in themselves through men's groups and an initiation process. We have 7 men's groups functioning in the East Bay, North Bay, and South Bay. Visit:

  • Lion Goodman

    Reply Reply June 1, 2010

    In the San Francisco Bay Area, check out The Tribe of Men, a non-profit group of men who work deeply in themselves through men's groups and an initiation process. We have 7 men's groups functioning in the East Bay, North Bay, and South Bay. Visit:

  • Vlad

    Reply Reply October 6, 2013

    Hey Jayson,

    Love the blog. Want to let you know that the links to buy the product are not working. A

    Are you still offering it?

    Best, Vlad

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