Week 4: Your Empowerment & When it’s time to stay or leave

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Materials for this module
Non-Negotiable Needs
ESH Homework – Class 4 (PDF)
Presentation Slides
Class 4: Your Empowerment & When it’s time to stay or leave
In this class you will learn about the elements needed to use your empowerment to step in/up or step out in your relationship. These tools will enable you to face yourself and prepare you for the next level and face the next challenge – moving forward. This class will help you turn the trauma into triumph, get you from fragile to agile and from disempowered to empowered.
In this first class you will also learn:
- What do you really want to struggle with in your life and relationships?
- Your big challenge with you and your man
- The 3 Types of Relational Styles needed in an empowered relationship
- The key question to ask your man to know if he will stay or leave (DO NOT do this until week 4 or 5).
- What does empowerment mean?
- The 7 areas of empowerment in life
- What empowerment is not
- Your empowerment scale
- His empowerment scale
- The 3 Shared Contexts of Relationship
- Signs you are not quite ready to make a decision
- Signs it’s time to start leaving
- 7 statements he makes that tell you he’ll never work on it
- Signs to stay and stick it out
- 3 sentences he will say that give you total confidence he’ll work on it with you (reminder)