Call with Ellen

*Disclaimer – you are listening to a recorded class. If you have questions, post them in the private Facebook group.

In this call you will learn:

  • Jayson’s sharing about his “grass is greener” mentality and how he had one foot in and one foot out with Ellen
  • Jayson setting the stage leading up to their 2nd breakup
  • Ellen’s move from sadness to anger and why that mattered
  • The fierce letter Ellen sent Jayson that had him defensive at first, then later agreeing with it
  • The intense inner work Ellen did on her own
  • The irony of her patterns with men she dated, but not with other people
  • The big boundary Ellen set with Jayson that shifted everything. How she did it and what she said
  • The biggest “Want” Ellen finally allowed herself to have that helped her get empowered
  • The 5 key lessons Ellen learned
  • Her 2 biggest breakthroughs that helped the whole dynamic with Jayson shift
  • Heartfelt quesitons from women like you and Ellen's answers
  • And more...