Jayson Gaddis

“I help you take your relationship pain and turn it into love.”

Jayson Gaddis, relationship student & teacher and host of the Smart Couple Podcast, is on a mission to teach people the one class they didn’t get in school–”How to do Romantic Relationships.” That’s why he founded The Relationship School®. He was emotionally constipated for years before relationship failure forced him to turn his life over to learning about relationships. Now, he’s been married to his amazing wife since 2007 (after some brutal break ups) and has two beautiful kids. When he doesn’t live and breathe this stuff with his family, he pretty much gets his ass handed to him.

He gets you the relationship results you want, fast. He will teach you how to use conflict to create a more fulfilling and sustainable relationship. He teaches virtual relationship empowerment classes to students around the globe.

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My Little Tribe

Jayson teaches you that hidden within any and all relationship pain are the seeds of you getting more empowered in your life and more connected to yourself.

Even though many of his school teachers said he sucked at writing, he writes anyway. His first book for the Smart Couple’s will be out November 2017. He has also written for The Good Men Project, Elephant Journal, Your Tango, The Jungle Of Life, Primer Magazine, Integral Life, and Recovering Yogi.

Jayson’s Personal story.

My “story” is relevant here because relationship was THE factor that got me to wake up out of the fog and the trance I was in to see a deeper path to my life.  And, relationship is what this website is about.

Relationship pain was the thorn in my side that had me seek out help. When my sixth or seventh relationship failed, I finally asked “what if I’m the problem?” It was relationship pain that cut through my habits and strategies and had me finally self-reflect deeper than I ever had before. In that moment I was able to consider a new perspective—that my challenges pointed back to me. That moment was empowering because I began the transition from blame to responsibility.  Wait, if it was no longer “her fault” and instead something was going on in me, and if the source of my relationship issues was living in ME, well, I had some work to do and things to uncover and discover. The adventure had begun.


Jayson’s credentials:

  • Founder, The Relationship School®
  • Trained Demartini Method Facilitator
  • Relationship Teacher, Ongoing virtual relationship classes and trainings across the globe
  • Founder, The Smart Couple Podcast
  • Founder, Boulder Men’s Experience
  • Co-visionary of Beyond Gender & Healing the Gender Divide
  • Co-visionary of Community Practice Day
  • Visionary and host of the first ever Evolving Men’s Conference
  • Blogger and writer for Integral Life, Primer Magazine, Digital Romance, Elephant Journal, and The Good Men Project
  • Visionary and designer of the men’s leadership training
  • MA in Counseling & Psychology (3 yr training) from Naropa University
  • Former Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
  • Certified Gestalt Therapist (3 yr training)
  • Completed year-long Trauma Training with Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute
  • Certified Meditation Instructor
  • EMDR level 1
  • Designed, visioned, and facilitated over 25 wilderness rites-of-passage trips for men

Current & Past Experience

  • Host Of The Smart Couple Podcast
  • Founder & Facilitator–Mens’ Leadership Training
  • Private Relationship Coaching Practice since 2006
  • Founder, Revolutionary Man (now dissolved as of 2010)
  • Facilitator of Men’s groups and co-creator of Men’s Group 101
  • Facilitator Authentic Man Program Colorado and the RedPill weekend
  • Founder of the Evolving Men’s Conference
  • Family Therapist, Monarch Center
  • Family Therapist, Longmont Mental Health Center
  • Crisis Worker, Emergency Psychiatric Services
  • Group Facilitator SOAR High School
  • Drug & Alcohol Instructor, Boulder Public Health
  • Group Facilitator For Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
  • Lead Instructor and Founder, Innernature Wilderness Program
  • Lead Instructor, The Outward Bound School
  • Lead Instructor, Second Nature Wilderness Program
  • Teacher, The Waterford School
  • Leadership Consultant, Beta Theta Pi International Fraternity
  • Head Ski Coach, Snowbird Developmental Ski Team


  • Growing like a weed (yes, it’s what I consider fun)
  • Personal Growth & Development (yup, more fun)
  • Connecting with my wife, studying human beings with her, and going deep with her
  • Playing anything with my kids
  • Parenting
  • Reading, learning, writing
  • Teaching what I’m trying to learn
  • Mountain and road biking
  • Long boarding
  • Staying up late and going really deep with 1-2 close male friends

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  • Carter Laney

    Reply Reply February 11, 2016


    Man, I have very much enjoyed listening to your podcasts so far! I’ve been married to my wife for 16 years and just in the last year have really faced my issues with porn and addiction to approval. We’re working through our shit, but slowly. Thank you for doing the work you are doing – it is helping many I’m sure! The one podcast that threw me was the one about woman’s sexuality and the idea of a woman being part of a group of ladies that help each other discover sexuality – perhaps even hands on…I have a hard time fitting that into monogamy – just not sure I could handle the risks of that kind of thing with my wife. Am I understanding that right, or was that suggested for woman not in a long term relationship? I’m not an all or nothing guy, I can still enjoy and learn much from your material, just wondering if that fits into your model for long term relationships.

    Thanks for all you do – and at some point I certainly plan to send you a donation for the benefits I have received from your work.


  • Amanda DeCoste

    Reply Reply September 28, 2016

    Good evening,

    I thought I had seen a relationship “course” that started this fall.

    Can you lead me to the right direction?

    Thank you


  • Tricia

    Reply Reply December 17, 2016

    The guy I’ve been seeing for seven months he’s been breaking off with me on and off for the last seven months so far four times I really truly love the this guy with all my heart he is been separated for about two years his wife has been cheating on him for four years he wanted to go back to her and then he decided to come back to me I’m having a hard time with this because my heart knows were but he keeps doing this to me I have given him so many chances and now today he is text me and tells me he wants to talk to me again that he loves me and he cares for me I don’t know if I should take him back could you please give me advice

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