Did I interview Yoda or just world renowned human behavior specialist Dr. John Demartini? Okay, buckle your seat belt for this one and be prepared to have some of your paradigms twisted and your feathers ruffled. I could have grilled this guy for hours, but I kept it to one hour to respect his time. Be sure to listen to this one twice and take notes. From no one being committed to you, to the fact that everyone is dishonest, I’m sure this episode will confront and serve you in many helpful ways. Enjoy!
- The one statement Dr. Demartini said that rocked Jayson’s world. [7:45]
- How infatuation is an insight to ourselves. [10:30]
- Dr. Demartini’s relationship status? [11:30]
- Do long-distance relationships work? [12:30]
- How to be true to yourself in relationships. [15:45]
- Dr. Demartini’s date with a 95 year-old lady. [23:00]
- How our values powerfully influence our lives. [24:45]
- What about when two partners have opposite values? [27:00]
- What’s the link between health, stress and values? [32:30]
- What happens if we run from challenge? [35:00]
- How to deal with someone who is lying to you. [43:15]
- What about sexual polarity and passion in relationships? [45:15]
- Is quantum entanglement a real phenomenon? [49:00]
- Why do we tend to attract partners who mimic our parents? [55:45]
- If you’ve been hurt in a relationship, do you need to heal through relationship? [58:30]
- Dr. John Demartini – Official Site
- The Breakthrough Experience
- The 7 Fundamentals To Succeed At Intimate Relationships – July 13
- Recovering Lost Memories – The-Scientist.com
- Study – Unmasking Latent Inhibitory Connections in Human Cortex to Reveal Dormant Cortical Memories
- Monogamy and The Smart Couple Facebook Group
- How to Leave A Podcast Review
Dr. John Demartini is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across all markets, sectors and age groups. His education curriculum ranges from corporate empowerment programs, financial empowerment strategies, self-development programs, relationship solutions and social transformation programs. His teachings start at the core of the issue, addressing the human factor and range out to a multitude of powerful tools that have proven the test of time. He has studied over 29000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesized the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 60 countries. His presentations whether keynotes, seminars or workshops, leave clients with insights into their behavior and keys to their empowerment.
Dr. Demartini has addressed public and professional audiences up to 11000 people at a time across the world and shared the stage with some of the world’s most influential people such as Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Donald Trump and many more. From the thousands of testimonials he receives annually, Dr Demartini’s work changes people’s lives forever.
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