This week, we have a question from a listener named Mandy on connection. Here’s her question…
“Feeling connected. First of all, can we explore the meaning of that in depth? To me it’s hard to define and hard to ask for and hard to get though my partner really tries. It’s a feeling I get that my partner and I are connected. lol. Not helping. We’re connected when we’re both open to one another, present, affectionate, compassionate. Is it too much or unrealistic to want the goal to be in that heart centered connected space “all” the time? Not literally all the time but you know, like a majority. I could get that feeling from a 2 minute interaction everyday I think.
That doesn’t seem unrealistic but please tell me if it is. Seems like for a lot of couples men get connected through sex and women can feel connected through sex but prefer to feel connected before being sexually intimate. That’s me. Why is that? How to handle when neither is getting what they need? Sex or heart connection. How can I go about being down for sex without a heart connection. How could a man move toward being more heart connected without sex? How do I explain my need to someone who this is all brand new to?”
- Is it unrealistic to want to feel connected all the time? [6:00]
- When life stress gets in the way of your connection at home [11:00]
- Why ‘islands’ need more connection than you might think [18:00]
- Learning how to reconnect after you lose connection [21:00]
- What you can learn from sports teams and musicians about connection[27:00]
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