How to End a Relationship Respectfully – SC 119

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How do you end a relationship with respect and dignity?  People make breaking up a lot more complicated than it needs to be. In this episode, I talk about how to handle breaking up in a clean, direct and honest way.

Question from Shelby: “I’ve been working on myself through a romantic relationship for about a year and a half now. We really seem to connect deeply when we are together – which is minimal – yet it’s not enough for him to stay in the relationship so that it goes anywhere significant. I feel like I’m just lingering in this relationship that I still have feelings for and it’s not at the level of commitment I want. I’ve heard you mention something along the lines of ‘when you end a relationship, you set the stage for your next relationship.’

How do I respectfully end a relationship with someone that won’t see me in person, won’t talk to me on the phone, or if I say anything serious by text, he disappears – in a way that invites a healthy relationship moving forward?”


How do I end a relationship and not repeat patterns going forward? [2:00]
Ending a relationship like a mature adult [3:00]
How to un-complicate the break-up process [6:00]



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