How to Deal With The Distancer-Pursuer Dynamic (Part 2) – SC 72

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Do you want more connection while your partner wants more space? One of the most common issues in a partnership is the distancer/pursuer dynamic. In the second of our two-part series, Ellen and I help the distancers understand and deal with your pursuing partner.


  • What does it mean to the distancer with a pursuer partner? [7:00]
  • Is the pursuer really being needy when they want attention from a distancer? [10:00]
  • The link between a pursuer and their childhood relationship with their caregiver. [12:30]
  • A better way to ask for space. [15:00]
  • Why the pursuer can be an MVP in a long-term relationship. [19:30]
  • Jayson’s action step for the listener [23:00]





  • Nokomis

    Reply Reply October 6, 2016

    Hi, I just listened to your podcasts on distancer/pursuer dynamics. I found them very helpful. I am definitely a distancer and my partner the pursuer. I think we’ve got a pretty clear view on this in our relationship. My question is what do I do when every time I turn towards or show any affection to my pursuer he just wants sex? Thats the only plan he ever wants to make with me. I try and attend to this need but frankly as attracted as I am to him it makes me want to run. What can we do to change this dynamic?Cheers, Nokomis

    • Kim

      Reply Reply October 14, 2016

      I would be very interested in hearing any advice or answers to this same question. Thanks, Kim

  • Sarah

    Reply Reply January 4, 2017

    I appreciate this two part episode so much. I find that I identify with both distancer and pursuer at times, but mainly am the pursuer. I shift into distancer when I feel my voiced needs are not heard or when my partner becomes defensive. I love the idea of naming why the distancer is needing the space and setting time limits to how much the distancer needs to come back and talk. I will be trying out those 5 points on both!

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