Other than the hundreds of free blog posts on my site and the free podcast, periscopes, and webinars I do, you can get more great free support here:
The Smart Couple Facebook Group

If you listen to my podcast and want some peer support with like-hearted people and fans of the podcast, ask to join here:
The Cock-Talk Virtual Men’s Community
Not just for any guy. This is only for adult men who are courageous enough to admit something is "off." You are a man who is challenged sexually or relationally and you are willing to put your balls on the line and talk openly about it. In other words, you're no longer willing to subordinate to the BS male conditioning that pervades the world around you. Instead, you feel a hunger to explore the deeper layers of your masculinity. Your vulnerability, your power, your sexual essence and the little boy that sometimes drives the car in your life. This free step is a requirement to get access to my paid men-only experiences.