For Guys Who Attract Critical Women
you can blame your woman for being critical, or you can go deeper and learn to see, work with, and understand why she’s in your life.
How Well Do You Know The Clitoris?
In 2009 the female clitoris was finally mapped with a 3D MRI. Turns out it is much bigger than previously thought. Women get erections too!
Men: Learn How To Validate Your Woman’s Feelings
why men struggle to validate their partner’s feelings and a few suggestions on turning this around
Why Are Men Developmentally, Psychologically, and Spiritually Lagging Behind Women? [video]
are men really that far behind women?
How Porn Impacts Real Intimacy and Real Relationships [free call]
Does porn use impact a man’s turn on with real women? Come find out…
Why Most Men Resist Couples Counseling
We men are a funny breed. We claim we don’t want or need much help in most areas of life, yet just below the surface we are often a little lost, in some degree of pain, or very confused. “I’m fine.” is our tag line. And saying I’m fine on top of a more genuine…
What To Do If You Are With An Emotional Woman

Many men misinterpret David Deida’s teaching about standing there in the face of your woman’s wrath. Here’s what not to do.
Why Some Men Objectify Women
After 20 years working with boys and men, here’s my own experience and a deeper look about why men objectify women.