4 Steps To Solving Money Problems In Your Marriage – Bari Tessler Linden – SC 90

If money is one of the top 3 reasons people get divorced, smart couples will want to address this challenging area of life, individually and together. Get ready to solve your money issues in your relationship by listening to Bari Tessler break it all down.
8 Steps To Reconnect After Disconnection – SC 74

Long-term relationships are fertile ground for disconnection. The longer you go feeling disconnected, the more you get used to it. Don’t fall prey to this type of complacency and see if you can gain more awareness here and learn how to reconnect. This episode will show you how.
Adult Attachment Specialist Stan Tatkin’s Ted Talk

in this short 10 min video, Stan covers some excellent ground about the two different aspects of our brain in a long term relationship. Funny, educational, and helpful for any couple wanting to go the distance.
Fault vs Responsibility In Relationships

There is a big, and often mistaken, difference between “fault” and responsibility. Knowing the difference can make or break your relationship.
The Most Essential Human Need We All Have

The most essential human need for the developing adult isn’t money, social status or good looks. It’s almost as life-giving as the air we breathe. Check it out…
Got A Cheating Spouse? Avoid Being Cheated On Again By Doing This

Is your spouse cheating on you? If you want to understand why people cheat and what your part is, read this.
The Worst Place For Relationship Advice

You’d be surprised how many people get the lamest advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about.
8 Signs You Are With An Emotionally Unavailable Man

Knowing the real signs of an emotionally unavailable man can help you spot him and avoid him so you don’t end up wasting your precious time and energy with someone who can’t, or won’t, meet you.