How To Say I’m Sorry Like A Pro – SC 58

Ever been around someone that says I’m sorry too much? Well, you might be one of them. Check this out as I teach you another way to mend a relationship challenge.
How Do I Know When It’s Too Hard? – SC 57

Relationships get hard. But how do you know when hard is too freakin’ hard? In this episode, my wife and I explore a very common complaint about long-term relationships, especially after the initial honeymoon phase wears off.
100% Responsibility Vs When To Leave The Relationship & Other Relationship Questions – SC 56

How to deal with value differences? How do we deal with the seeming contradiction of taking 100% responsibility and then leaving the relationship? How to keep childhood issues from breaking up your relationship? And many more questions in this episode
The Purpose Of Relationship Pain – SC 55

Relationship pain has a very clear purpose. If you are hip to it, you’ll thrive in relationships. If you are uneducated here, you’ll run away and play the victim. Direct and to the point, I suggest a very important daily practice for you to strengthen your mindset about long-term partnership. Pain hurts indeed. And,…
The Class You Never Got In School – SC 54

One of the most fundamental skills we need to navigate life’s challenges is not formally taught to us. We learn through the school of hard knocks and most of us get some pretty big scars.
How To Feel Safe & Secure With Your Partner with Stan Tatkin – SC 53

Do you really have to parent your partner? And, how is co-dependency different than secure functioning? Get ready for a serious education on being “wired” to your partner and how that can hurt or help you in your long-term relationships
How & Why My Wife And I Chose Marriage – SC 50

My wife Ellen joins me as we discuss what had us fully choose each other and what I did to overcome my grass is greener mentality. You’ll also want to hear what she did to not tolerate my BS anymore.
How To Deal With Value Differences – SC 49

Do you make your partner wrong and want them to live according to your values and priorities? If so, you’ll want to listen to this short podcast episode on what to do about it.