How To Resolve Conflict Without Talking

The key to knowing how to resolve conflict without words is to get in the driver’s seat of your own reactivity asap.
Good Intentions Aren’t Good Enough

Having good intentions is fine, but if you don’t learn new skills to compliment them, you’re sure to struggle…
Apology Vs Acknowledgment

Saying I’m sorry too much can land on deaf ears after a while. Do this instead
How To Stop Looping In Fights That Never Seem To End [video]

Here’s another installment of empowering relationships TV. 3 key steps to get out of long fights that don’t end.
When Someone Wants Something From Me And I Don’t Want To Give It

Sometimes saying yes to someone when you are really a no hurts both of you in the long run.
When You Feel Misunderstood

it’s common to feel judged and misunderstood when trying to communicate with your partner, but it doesn’t need to stay this way
Trying To Recreate the Honeymoon Period Could Be Hurting Your Relationship

Are you wasting energy trying to get back to the honeymoon stage? If so, read this.
If Only My Partner Would…

Learn How Trying To Change Your Partner Kills Intimacy And Breeds Resentment