Beyond Medication– Holistic Psychiatry
Learn about a comprehensive holistic approach to adding potency to the process of psychotherapy, and how this can be integrated with conventional approaches.
Why Men Might Avoid Psychotherapy or Inner Work [video]
It’s no surprise why men struggle to ask for help
An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Worked With Me
To all my clients thanks for being so courageous. Now go further….
The Ayahuasca Wave

If you are into spiritual growth and want to a glimpse of your unconscious mind and body, read on…
My Spiritual Emergency
A personal Ah Ha that I am going through a normal process and following my inspiration to talk about it openly.
The Shadow and My Major Blind Spot
In this post, I explain what the shadow is and reveal a personal video owning up to my own shadow and how it has run me.
Beating off to Porn is NOT a Strategy for Long Term Success? (Guest Post)
Marc Quinn raises some key points about how surfing porn will only slow you down
How To Resolve Conflict In Your Relationships
Learn a very simple approach to navigate conflict