Top Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Books for Newbies
The favorite intro to personal/spiritual growth books recommended by you to a person fresh on the path
What’s Possible When a Gay Man Does “Straight” Personal Growth Work? (guest post)
Is personal growth for straight guys applicable to gay guys?
An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Worked With Me
To all my clients thanks for being so courageous. Now go further….
The Straightjacket of David Deida

David Deida got men back into their balls. Now men are a little stuck around his teachings.
The Shadow and My Major Blind Spot
In this post, I explain what the shadow is and reveal a personal video owning up to my own shadow and how it has run me.
What Straight Men Can Learn From Gay Men
Openly gay men have to face personal development. It’s not really a choice, is it?