Your Relationship Q’s – Anger, Jealousy, Depression, Honesty, Premature Ejaculation & More – SC 68

Our relationships trigger the deepest of human emotions and experiences. In this episode, I answer some fun, very painful, and challenging questions from you the listener.
3 Steps To Become More Resilient Before, During & After A Fight with Dr. Rick Hanson – SC 67

It is possible to rewire your brain in relationships and build inner strength. Not doing so leads to more and more stress and dysfunction over time. Check out Rick Hanson as he helps us understand the brain and relationships.
Fault vs Responsibility – SC 66

Listen to some semi-hate mail from a listener and find out the difference between me asking someone to take responsibility vs me blaming someone and making it their fault.
Laser Coaching On Infidelity, Trust, & Blended Families – SC 65

Two podcast listeners share how the podcast has impacted them in their marriage and as a blended family. They also get some laser coaching on their infidelity and trust issues.
Tracking & Parenting Your Partner With Ellen Boeder- SC 64

Learn 3 ways to track and parent your partner and why that is so good for your nervous system, your partner’s health and well-being, and the relationship. It has to do with adult attachment.
The Cost Of Stress In Your Primary Relationships with Dr. Gabor Maté – SC 63

Few of us understand the cost of unmitigated stress in our primary relationships and how damaging this can be to us. In this episode, legendary medical doctor and psycho-phisio-spiritual trail blazer Gabor Mate brings some very grounded, practical examples of how relationship stress can impact our lives and what to do about it.
5 Steps To Calm Down Fast During A Fight – SC 62

Fighting, arguing, and disagreeing are essential in a relationship, But it’s critical to know how. Here’s a short episode to help you understand how to calm down fast so you don’t do or say something you’ll later regret.
Listener Questions & My Direct Answers – SC 61

From daily porn use, talking to x-partners, to calming down when super triggered, in this episode we cover a lot of ground thanks to questions from listeners like you. Listen closely as I get right to the point.