Householder: Chop Wood Carry Water

This one just came out of me after a typical “day in the life.” Chop wood carry water Prepare to burn Marry Sex Grow Have a kid Grow more Laugh, cry, rage Poo Clean up poo
For Men Who Hang in There During Conflict
Sometimes men will “hang in there” during a fight to hear their woman out. But “hanging in there” won’t cut it for either party. Hanging in there is what we do when we are beyond our threshold. Hanging in there is what we don’t have tools, can’t truly listen, or would rather be doing something…
Conflict Avoidant Couples
when a couple is stuck, someone has to be the adult and go vulnerable
Two Keys to A Thriving, Mature, Long-Term Partnership
Learn how to have a successful marriage by using two key elements.
First Rule of The Marriage Club? Learn How To Fight
long term relationships are work, period. when you learn this, look in the mirror, and surrender, everything changes.
Taking Responsibility for my Part in a Fight
When we keep our statements about ourselves and make that a primary practice, we can get to what needs attention and healing on our side.
The Most Effective Way To Deepen Your Relationships
The pain that catapulted me on to the spiritual path
Relationship as a Path: Advanced Tools for the Relational Warrior
How serious are we about seeing relationship as a path? For serious practitioners, this event is a must.