Emotionally Shut Down Men

When I feel shut down, thank God I have tools. Men with no tools stay stuck for a long time.
I Can’t Save My Kids From Pain
my kids must face their own trials and tribulations. It is critical to their path. And, as a parent, it burns….
Being a Basecamp for My Kids
my kids rely on me to be their safe, solid foundation.
Feedback & Teaching From My Son (Relevant for Parents)
When I have an agenda and am not dealing with below-the-surface emotions, I’m less likely to listen to the message my kids are bringing
Gabor Mate on ADD, Addictions, Parenting & Raising Boys [video]
This is a much watch for educators, healers, and parents. Gabor speaks to society’s ills so well.
The Shocking Challenges of Being a Dad [guest post]
a guest post from a very authentic dad who shares the reality of fatherhood and the toll it takes on self and relationship
How to Help Boys Like Adam Lanza
How can we reach kids like Adam before they become lost and so far disconnected that it becomes challenging to get them back in their body/soul/heart?