Why Most Men Resist Couples Counseling

We men are a funny breed. We claim we don’t want or need much help in most areas of life, yet just below the surface we are often a little lost, in some degree of pain, or very confused. “I’m fine.” is our tag line. And saying I’m fine on top of a more genuine…

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My Son Wears Pink Sunglasses, He’s Either Gay or a Girl Right?

When we discourage feminine traits in boys and instead only promote outdated masculine ones, we keep put a gender straightjacket on our boys.

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A Classic Teenage Relationship Dynamic Where Both Girls and Boys Lose

When boys ask girls for a hug, it sets up a cascade of events where both parties lose and betray themselves

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Why Your Teenage Son Needs His Ass Kicked

our culture does little to nothing to assist teen boys in crossing the threshold into manhood. here’s why that must change

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The Secret Teaching of Parenting

Parenting takes on a whole new meaning when we have the proper context.

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Transcending the ManBox

Transcending the ManBox is essential if a man wants to become himself and get out from under the BS conditioning he swallowed whole

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What Happens When We Don’t Teach Boys about Sex

The mess we are in around male sexuality. How did we get here and what on earth do we do?

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The Sacred Masculine

When men plug into the sacred masculine we live more full, engaged lives. We stand empowered to laugh, love, and serve.

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