Can Feeling Too Much, Shut You Down? (Guest Post)
In this guest post, Michael shares his experience of dealing with intense emotions and his own shut down.
Revolutionary Man, A Year Later
Today, December 1, 2009, I am celebrating Revolutionary Man’s birth! It was officially born last year at this time when I launched the website. Tonight I will toast some champagne with my men’s group of 6 years. Feel free to join me in celebration. I...
Men's Spirituality
This is a piece I recently wrote for the Good Men Project. What does spirituality have to do with being a man? Is personal growth a spiritual process?How is spirituality more suited than religion for the modern man? These are questions this post explores… Check...
The Way of The Superior Man is DEAD
How “hero worship” can get in your way
International Men's Day
celebrate international men’s day!
Idiot Compassion vs True Compassion
Are you helping others with strings attached or from a genuine place of service?
Isn't Personal Growth Just Selfish?
Exploring why it’s okay to be selfish if it makes you the man you want to be
Be the Tsunami that You Are
A short Zen Koan story that might apply to you.
How To Start and Lead A Men’s Group
Just as the title says….helping you start and lead a men’s group
4 New Books For Men, by Men, About Men
Introducing you to new books for Men.
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