Birthing the Self
3 key insights I’m getting about my spiritual journey
What’s Possible When a Gay Man Does “Straight” Personal Growth Work? (guest post)
Is personal growth for straight guys applicable to gay guys?
An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Worked With Me
To all my clients thanks for being so courageous. Now go further….
How and Why I Failed in 2010
A look back at some of my big failures in 2010 and why it was necessary for what’s next.

The Ayahuasca Wave
If you are into spiritual growth and want to a glimpse of your unconscious mind and body, read on…
Being Nobody
Being nobody–Just a brief video that speaks to where I’m at
Parenting continues to teach me how to surrender.
Six Months To Live?
When we change the context of our life, we change.

The Shamanic View of Mental Illness
In Malidoma Some’s culture, mental illness is seen as the birth of a healer. It is also regarded as “good news from the other world.”
What Remains in the Eye of the Storm?
An personal update about what’s left standing in the wake of seriously long-ass storm.
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