One Simple Tip to Working Out Your Differences – SC 106

Working out differences and disagreements is essential. Here’s one tip to get started.
Partner Not Meeting Your Sexual Needs – SC 105

Are you doomed to have a stale sex life once you settle in with the same person for years and does that justify sleeping with someone else, while still being married? Listen up for my take…
How To Deal With An Avoidant Partner & Interpersonal Stress – Stan Tatkin – SC 104

Dealing with an avoidant partner can be challenging and can create a lot of interpersonal stress. My guest Stan Tatkin helps you navigate these relational dynamics and so much more.
How To Get Over A Cheating Spouse – SC 103

There’s no question cheating hurts like hell. Of course. It hurts like a bitch. But if you want to get empowered, you must learn hot to get over the cheating and work through the hurt. You’ll be stronger for it and your relationship might even bounce back.
The Surprising Difference Between Divorced People and Married People – Mark Manson – SC 102

Blogger Mark Manson drops some great advice on the podcast and covers the big difference between people who are divorced and people who report being happily married for a few decades. The difference may surprise you.
Getting Your Partner To Meet Your Needs – SC 101

I used to think it wasn’t my job to meet my partner’s needs. Then I learned about adult attachment and the power of meeting needs. Wow have things changed…
How To Repair in 3 Steps Before You Make It Worse – SC 100

My wife and I share 3 practical tips on how to repair quickly the moment you notice a rupture. What to say, when to say it, why say it, and how you both can set this structure up ahead of time.
Husband Doesn’t Want To Work On Marriage – SC 99

If your partner is interested in personal development but slower to work on it, listen to this episode to find out a few tips on how to keep the work going.