How to Feel More Connected – Ellen & Jayson – SC 114

SHOWNOTES This week, we have a question from a listener named Mandy on connection. Here’s her question… “Feeling connected. First of all, can we explore the meaning of that in depth? To me it’s hard to define and hard to ask for and hard to get though my partner really tries. It’s a feeling I…
Shame In Your Relationship – SC 113

Feeling any shame in your relationship? If so, you are normal. But there’s power in learning how to use shame to your advantage in any partnership.
How To Deal With Narcissism In A Relationship – Jeff Pincus and Rachel Cahn – SC 112

Are you dating, or married to, a narcissist? If so, how do you deal with narcissism in your relationship and what does all of this say about you? Two very experienced psychotherapists help you get to the root of what’s going on in this type of relationship dynamic and how to move forward.
Stop Settling for Scraps in Your Relationship – SC 111

Why settle for scraps in your relationship and be with someone who doesn’t treat you with the utmost respect, even during the hardest of times? Well, there’s often one reason…Listen in as I challenge you to ask for more.
The Healing Power of Touch – Betty Martin – SC 110

Are you using touch to just get off, or are you willing to slow down and see what the touch you give and receive is bringing? Touch is a magical force that allows the human animal in you to soften, relax, and open
Masculine Woman Dating a Feminine Man – SC 109

What can a more masculine woman do who is dating a more feminine man? It’s pretty simple…
How to Feel Safe In Your Relationship – Bonnie Badenoch – SC 108

What is co-regulation and how do I feel safe in my relationship? In this episode my guest Bonnie Badenoch goes deep into the co-regulatory nervous system. We discuss the importance of interpersonal neurobiology and how we can regulate each other. She covers the myth and limitations of self-regulation and what we must learn instead. Bonnie…
What’s The Point Of Marriage Anyway? – SC 107

What is the point of marriage anyway? This is such a great question and amazing to me how unexamined it is for so many. Listen in as I explore my take