Why Male Entrepreneurs Fail in Relationships, & What To Do About It – Jordan Gray – SC 130
What is up with male entrepreneurs and their relationships? Success in business doesn’t always translate into success in a romantic relationship. But here are a few tips to turn this around.
The Danger of Over-Burdening Your Partner With Your Problems – SC 129
We all have problems. But when one person is struggling the most (and continually), and you are their only support system, this is a set up for burning out in a relationship. Listen here for a few tips on tweaking this dynamic
Negative Beliefs That Block Your Relationship Potential – Mark Groves – SC 128
Are you aware how your past negative experiences are shaping your current relationship reality? Well, they are and until you deal with those, it will be harder to get what you claim you want.
My Partner Has Issues, What Do I Do? – SC 127
Does your partner have issues? Well, that’s really good news. What? Yup. Find out why in this episode.
How Relational Skills Can Boost Your Confidence – SC 126
Learn how simple relationship skills can boost your confidence inside the relationship. You don’t need to go work on your confidence issues, you just need to learn how to do relationship.
When Your Partner’s Anger Triggers You – SC 125
If your partner gets angry and it triggers you, listen to this one. There are a couple of basic things you can do to deal with an angry partner.
How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction – SC 124
If you want to know how to overcome erectile dysfunction, you’ll need a complete reframe on this entire issue. I offer my own personal experience and how I used my shame to get hard again.
How to Respect Yourself More – SC 123
Why do some people get taken advantage of, taken for granted and walked all over in their relationships? In this episode I talk about one crucial step for getting the respect, appreciation, and value that you deserve in all your relationships.