The Straightjacket of David Deida

David Deida got men back into their balls. Now men are a little stuck around his teachings.

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Is Men’s Work Dying? Or Does it Just Need an Extreme Makeover?

The Evolving Men’s Conference is complete. Not at all what we expected. Instead, new visions and insights emerged. What is next?

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The Shadow and My Major Blind Spot

In this post, I explain what the shadow is and reveal a personal video owning up to my own shadow and how it has run me.

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My Self-Importance Vs. Life

Are you willing your way through life or waiting for something to happen? Or is there another way?

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Year Of the Daddy Blogger?

The blogging Dad is having a big influence on how men in this culture operate

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Men and Sex

Men: A new paradigm to consider in relationship to your sex life

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What Straight Men Can Learn From Gay Men

Openly gay men have to face personal development. It’s not really a choice, is it?

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Calling All Spiritually Minded Dudes

Who wants to join a conscious man tribe?

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