Surrendering Into Greater Love

I recently let some serious love in….. completely. And, it shattered me into pieces.

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The Boy Code

Are men just lame? clueless? Just guys? Do we really only care about sports, boobs, gadgets and cars? Or is there more to the story?

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Shame versus Tough Love

It is a very delicate dance to differentiate between when I am using shame versus tough love. It requires keen presence and awareness.

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Top Personal Development and Spiritual Growth Books for Newbies

The favorite intro to personal/spiritual growth books recommended by you to a person fresh on the path

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Discipline Supports Surrender

Up until now, if I want to continue to “receive” the guidance in my life, I would have said all I have to do is surrender. Now, I see a missing piece.

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My Inner Spiritual Poser

A frank post about how I can still think I’m better than you.

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Masculinity Today

There is lots of buzz about masculinity as of late. Can a huge tele-summit inspire dudes?

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Virgin Wings and my New Guru

Death, exhaustion, rebirth, and a new (or maybe old) teacher.

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