My Beef with Integral and Why It’s Changing
How I moved from judging Integral to appreciating and respecting it.
What Men Can Learn From Beowulf
When I choose not to own the serpent between my legs or hold the charge in my body, I leak it out, thus giving away my power and losing focus toward my purpose. Men, what about you?
The Cost of Porn on Men
Outside my personal opinion and experience is growing research that suggests more porn = more men suffering.
Boulder Men’s Experience
Bringing the circles together. A monthly gathering of committed men who want to deepen together and expand the conscious masculine community. Open to any man on any stage of development. The Boulder Men’s Experience helps men in three main areas: 1. agency -leadership and individual empowerment around enriching your life -what are you taking a…
What Happens When We Don’t Teach Boys about Sex
The mess we are in around male sexuality. How did we get here and what on earth do we do?
The Sacred Masculine
When men plug into the sacred masculine we live more full, engaged lives. We stand empowered to laugh, love, and serve.