Boredom is Bullshit

a quick word on why there is no such thing as boredom

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When to Fire Your Therapist

Is your psychotherapy coffee talk or deep work with results?

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Why Most Men Resist Couples Counseling

We men are a funny breed. We claim we don’t want or need much help in most areas of life, yet just below the surface we are often a little lost, in some degree of pain, or very confused. “I’m fine.” is our tag line. And saying I’m fine on top of a more genuine…

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My Son Wears Pink Sunglasses, He’s Either Gay or a Girl Right?

When we discourage feminine traits in boys and instead only promote outdated masculine ones, we keep put a gender straightjacket on our boys.

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Trying to Change Your Partner

It’s sure tempting to want your man or woman to change, but by focusing on them, you disempower both parties.

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Care-Taking vs Caring For

Are you a care-taker? Rescuer? Is it really serving you or those you care about? Let’s explore what drives this behavior and its cost. Then choose.

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By re-framing selfishness and putting our own needs and desires above anyone else’s, we not only feel better, we serve more people

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The Year of Self Love

a summer update as we move into harvest time

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