On Marijuana

Marijuana is now legal in Colorado. Will that help men get more empowered? Probably not.

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How To Stop Looping in the Same Fights With Someone You Love

blame and being right are signs we have something to learn about ourselves

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To Some Divorced Parents

is there truth to the myth that kids are worse off if their parents divorce and is that a good enough reason to suck it up?

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Ten Signs I’m Disconnected from My Heart

Knowing I’m disconnected from myself is half the battle. Once I know this, I can do one obvious thing that will change the game completely.

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Do People Know The Real You or Are You Still Hiding?

Lana Wachowski’s story is remarkable as she discusses her youth, her struggles, her suicide attempt, and her final reason to come out as a woman.

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Children Act Out When Parents Don’t Deal

kids will act out what parents are not expressing. They will carry the burden of the parent’s unprocessed baggage until parents choose to face it.

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The limitation of Religion

If we want to grow and become who we really are, religion won’t get us there.

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Pro Marriage. Pro Monogamy.

Maybe instead of being a pain in the ass, my life partner is the exact mirror I need to awaken and grow into who I really am

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