Stop Blaming

no more blame please

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Clearing Conflict With Someone Who Won’t Participate

do we really need to stay angry and hurt? for how long?

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Making Myself Available to My Kids’ Love

my kids help me be myself by being themselves. it’s simple, profound, cosmic

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Being a Basecamp for My Kids

my kids rely on me to be their safe, solid foundation.

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Changing Ourselves Instead of Our Partners

if we take the view that relationship is a path to awakening, then we are the ones that need to change.

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Men–You are Not Your Job

are you making the mistake of thinking what you do is who you are?

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Why Are Men Developmentally, Psychologically, and Spiritually Lagging Behind Women? [video]

are men really that far behind women?

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Beyond Medication– Holistic Psychiatry

Learn about a comprehensive holistic approach to adding potency to the process of psychotherapy, and how this can be integrated with conventional approaches.

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