A Classic Feedback Loop in Marriage for Many Unsatisfied Men
How does a Dad who is a sole-provider, resent his wife after many years? Somehow he thinks it’s her fault that he bought into a role and abandoned himself.
Enmeshment vs Connection: What Separates the Evolving Couple from the Stuck Couple

knowing the difference between co-dependency and true connection can change the direction of your long term relationship for good.
Men: Learn How To Validate Your Woman’s Feelings
why men struggle to validate their partner’s feelings and a few suggestions on turning this around
How to Find a Good Couples Counselor
a few tips that will help you in your decision
Can A Relationship Work if One Partner is Growing and The Other Isn’t?
Should we leave our partner if they refuse to change and grow along side us?
Dwelling Versus Feeling
a core distinction between feeling something and dwelling on something