No Sex. What Do I Do? – SC 141

If you are not having sex in your marriage it is important to ask Why? Dig into it and explore what got you here. Then you can slowly come out of fear and back into connection. Sex should follow.

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The 4 Freedoms That Develop Masculine Depth & Purpose – Satyen Raja – SC 140

When you are not on purpose as a man, it’s painful and your relationship will feel it. If you want to get more direction, freedom, and inspiration, this episode is for you.

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What Is The Difference Between Therapy And Coaching And Why Does It Matter?

What are the big differences between therapy and coaching and why does it matter? So, you can find the very best help to support you working through your relationship challenges and creating your dream relationship.

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Therapy Vs Coaching – SC 139

Should I hire a therapist or coach and what is the difference anyway? In this podcast episode we explore the main differences and the most important factor you need to know when making this important decision

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How Having Expectations Can Hurt Your Relationship – Christine Hassler – SC 138

There are two giant ways we screw up our relationships. One is by breaking agreements. The other is by never having agreements to begin with.

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How to Re-Parent a Triggered Partner – SC 137

Dealing with a partner who is triggered can be difficult – especially if they respond negatively to your help. Maybe you’ve been here before: your partner is upset about something, you do your best to give them some encouraging words or to calm them down, but no matter what you do, your partner’s gets more…

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Why Self Awareness & Digging Into Your Past Helps You Get A Great Relationship – Alexandra Solomon – SC 136

A major shift is happening with the way we educate young adults about relationships and sex.  Despite what we hear in the media about the ‘hookup culture,’ the majority of young adults are very interested in learning about relationships and long-term partnerships. Alexandra Solomon is paving the way in the academic world, educating both students…

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Connection Starts with Me

I recently started something new. I changed my career. I changed my life. I trained and studied for a year with Jayson Gaddis and became a Certified Relationship Coach. Now I am on a new path and I’m feeling really energized and exposed.

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