
Shame is a brilliant human emotion. It’s designed to help us feel like shit so we do something about it. Our problem is we add shame on top of the shame pile. But shame in it’s purest, most raw form is exquisite in its teaching. Very precise, very simple, very direct. Grateful for shame today.…
Being Our Authentic Self

If our claim is that we are about being totally, authentically who we are, then we need to see all the places, and ways in which, we are afraid to live it. If we examine ourselves closely most of us are not living very authentically. We are living someone else’s dream in someone else’s value…
The Future of Spiritual Practice & Healing Work

As I’ve written about before relationship has been one of the weak muscles of the spiritual practitioner.
The Cost of Overpraising Kids

Some praise is fine. Too much praise for kids however, and we open the door to zombie-land.
Shame And The Power of Community

shaming the shamer doesn’t work. Not only that, but shame and humiliation bring us back home to who we are.
Householder: Chop Wood Carry Water

This one just came out of me after a typical “day in the life.” Chop wood carry water Prepare to burn Marry Sex Grow Have a kid Grow more Laugh, cry, rage Poo Clean up poo
Radio Interview Relationship as a Path (downloadable mp3)
Today I was interviewed by Jessie May for her radio show called “Sunny Side Up”. We had a great conversation and I could go on and on. A few key things I covered: 1. What is this relationship as a path stuff? 2. A personal example of my own issues…
For Men Who Hang in There During Conflict
Sometimes men will “hang in there” during a fight to hear their woman out. But “hanging in there” won’t cut it for either party. Hanging in there is what we do when we are beyond our threshold. Hanging in there is what we don’t have tools, can’t truly listen, or would rather be doing something…