Owning My Part Is The Way Out of Any Conflict

Looping in familiar fights and stuck arguments is futile. At some point we need to learn to fight.
I Want to Be A Dad Full Time AND I Want To Work Full Time

Exploring the inner tension between wanting to be in two places at the same time.
Staying Married For The Kids [video]

staying married for the kids. is that a good idea? or a bad one?
Stuck Couples vs Flourishing Couples

Couples that perpetually struggle see challenges as problems and want them to go away. Couples that flourish have one thing in common: They face what is true, learn to see challenges as opportunities, and they choose to grow from all of it. —–
Parenting & Sleep Deprivation

After approximately 1800 days of chronic sleep deprivation/interruption, we have officially turned a corner. For almost a month now, these two kids are sleeping through the night. Finally. That was a serious beat down, a rite of passage, a big trial that broke me in half. It took a toll on me. I can’t believe I…
Working Hard To Get Your Partner To Love You

how much energy are you wasting trying to get your partner to love you?